[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (2024)


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Ep 3441b – [DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control

Ep 3441a – The Narrative Is Clear, Restructure Of The Fed, Tariffs Will Fund The Government

EU countries are no importing more gas from Russia than the US. Inflation is coming down, because it’s manipulated and they need the Fed to cut the rates. Gov hiring caused inflation. [KH] plans will increase inflation, and destroy the economy. Musk sends message, we need to restructure the Fed and use tariffs to fund the Gov. The [DS] is now pushing their last attempt to take back control. They are now preparing chaos, riots and cyber attacks, while the economy implodes and they bring us to war. They need to do this to stop Trump and the people from taking back the country. If the lights go out, remember the patriots are in control. Kash Patel is letting everyone know that this is a possibility.


Finally some good news on inflation:

1-year inflation expectations declined to 4.9% in August, the lowest since the pandemic in 2020, according to the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Survey.

Over the last 2 years, inflation expectations have fallen from ~8.0% to 4.9%,… pic.twitter.com/q3YqF2uZNR

— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) September 2, 2024

  • , recording a similar drop as during the 2008 Financial Crisis. As a result, expectations are now at levels seen in the 2015-2019 period. Furthermore, 1-year inflation expectations in the University of Michigan consumer survey fell to 2.8%, the lowest since December 2020. The first rate cut since 2020 is coming this month.

Government hiring is inflating jobs numbers.

Private sector jobs growth as % of total payroll growth fell to 38% in July, the lowest since the 2020 pandemic.

Historically, every time the private payroll growth share fell below 40%, the US economy was in a recession.

This also… pic.twitter.com/tmh7FpkhhV

— The Kobeissi Letter (@KobeissiLetter) September 3, 2024

  • means that most of the employment growth over the last few months has come from government jobs. Over the last 1.5 years alone, the government created nearly 1 million jobs, the most since the 1990s. Meanwhile, the private sector hiring rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest level since April 2020. Truly concerning.

Why Kamala Harris Will Not Bring Prices Down… Her Plan Needs Inflation

  • The reality is that the Kamala Harris plan, like all interventionist governments, creates and strives for inflation.Inflation is a hidden tax. Governments love it and perpetuate it by printing money through deficit spending and imposing regulations that harm trade, competition, and technological creative destruction. Big government is big inflation.
  • Inflation is the way in which the government tricks citizens into believing that administrations can provide for anything. It disguises the accumulated debt, quietly transfers wealth from the private sector to the government and condemns citizens to being dependent hostages of government subsidies. It is the only way in which they can continue to spend a constantly depreciated currency and present themselves as the solution. Furthermore, it is the perfect excuse to blame businesses and anyone else who sells in the currency that the government creates.
  • Kamala Harris will do nothing to cut inflation because she wants inflation to disguise the monster deficit and debt accumulation.
  • Governments do not reduce prices. Governments create and perpetuate inflation by printing currency that loses value every year.
  • Socialism redistributes middle-class wealth to bureaucrats, not rich to poor.
  • Massive government spending, constantly increasing taxes, and printing money. A plan to reduce the economy to serfdom.

Source: zerohedge.com

Cable installer- 95% men
Road builders- 96% men
Construction- 94% men
Garbagemen- 95% men
Iron workers- 94% men
Coal miners- 96% men
Electricians- 96% men
Firefighters- 88% men
Plumbers- 99% men
Combat- 84% men

Feminists: 😴😴😴
Woke activists: 😴😴😴
Gender academics: 😴😴😴

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 2, 2024

As Kamala Harris talks a big game about standing up for workers, remember that her administration wanted to fire hundreds of thousands of people for refusing the COVID shot.

It's all fake, like her entire campaign. Talking points borrowed from President Trump to hide her record

— JD Vance (@JDVance) September 3, 2024

Bidenomics / Kamalanomics …

They want to turn people into permanent renters while institutional money owns all of the real estate. pic.twitter.com/RQysGKqdw2

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) September 3, 2024

NEW: 🇻🇪 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says "we have to get back" to the world of crypto 👀 pic.twitter.com/eIOdSVmaz5

— Bitcoin Magazine (@BitcoinMagazine) September 3, 2024

Yes https://t.co/bryIe5xlg9

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 3, 2024


Holy Shyt‼️

🚨 Former FBI Officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page Received $1.5 MILLION Dollars for “the Improper Disclosure of their Text Messages” Discussing a Coup to Remove the President of the United States

• What the deep state uses most to cover up their corruption is an… pic.twitter.com/v6ymg3xJjF

— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) September 3, 2024

  • • What the deep state uses most to cover up their corruption is an illegal application of the classification system • Take for example what FBI Officials Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page did. —— they were running the Russiagate investigation.
  • They were the head of the counter-intelligence unit at the FBI —— they were having an extramarital affair and sending each other text messages about how much they hate Trump and had an “insurance policy” to stop him. —— the FBI and the DOJ for over a year redacted those text messages to Congressional Investigators. • JUST LAST WEEK, Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page were just rewarded $1.5 MILLION Dollars from the Department of Justice… for the ‘improper disclosure of their text messages’ on FBI Phones, Wow

Don’t let The System gaslight you about what’s happening in Aurora, Colorado.

It’s very real. It’s very bad. And it only gets worse from here unless the communists are removed from power. pic.twitter.com/XO9jhBPK7g

— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) September 2, 2024

!! https://t.co/VECSr4dVhH

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 3, 2024


A cop tells a citizen who is reporting a crime committed by an immigrant:

"I've arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before, I let him walk out the door because we're sanctuary city.

We do not report illegals, undocumented immigrants."

CITIZEN: "So… pic.twitter.com/bclVNcQPSl

— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) September 3, 2024

  • you’re gonna let a person who went to prison, he committed crime in America, who’s illegal right now, you re gonna let him go free right now?” OFFICER: “That’s exactly what I’m saying because we are sanctuary city” This is going to be Harris’ America!

Chicago resident posts warning to Venezualans taking over Chicago.

“This aint Colorado. This is just like where you’re from. The only difference is… we got switches.”

The gang wars in Chicago are not going to be pretty…

This is on Kamala. pic.twitter.com/yhdhXUSwgb

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 3, 2024

Authorities identified the victims as Fraime Ubaldo, 30; Marangely Moreno-Santiago, 26; Evangeline Ubaldo-Moreno, 4, and two-year-old Sebastian Ubaldo-Moreno.

The neighborhood itself is also relatively quiet in terms of law enforcement activity, the chief said.

“It was a…

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) September 2, 2024

  • horrific scene,” Chief Peters said. “In almost 32 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen anything like it.”


Trump says he will release more footage of UFO's, The Jeffrey Epstein Island documents, AND the JFK files early on in his next term.
This should cause many to panic.
This is exactly what We the People want to hear. 🧵

"The Pentagon has released a few, videos, and there's been… pic.twitter.com/dw3XiM3rhp

— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) September 3, 2024


Jul 09, 2019 12:37:54 PM EDT

Q!!mG7VJxZNCIID: 8c9882No. 6967208

You didn’t think the EPSTEIN investigation began a few months ago did you?

It was all under the direction and oversight of AG Jeff Sessions.

Expect a lot more to become public (unsealing).



Jan 28, 2020 2:39:33 PM EST

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6ID: 2c0dfdNo. 7943219

You didn’t think we highlighted ‘EPSTEIN‘ for no reason did you?

Those who were once protected are no longer.


Hunters become PREY.



Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
1. [Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.
2. Feed an addiction [controllable]
Maxwell family background?
Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?
Sometimes it’s the people in the background that are of greater significance.

Geopolitical/Police State

BREAKING: All 90 Pages of Nashville Transgender Shooter Audrey Hale Released

  • All 90 pages of Nashville transgender shooter Audrey Hale was released by The Tennessee Star on Tuesday.
  • You can download Audrey Hale’s manifestohere.
  • Excerpts from Audrey Hale’s manifesto:
  • “If God won’t give me a boy body in heaven then Jesus is a f*ggot”
  • “I can’t be happy. I am meant to die”
  • “No brown girls, no love”
  • “Brown love is the most beautiful kind”
  • The Tennessee Starreported:
  • She often signed journal entries using the name Aiden.The octagonal symbol first appears on the journal’s cover. Within its pages, the distinctive shape next appears on the first page, opposite where the killer wrote, “Why does my brain not work right? Cause I was born wrong!!!”Hale’s symbol appears throughout the journal, including in an undated entry apparently written in mid-March 2023, when the killer wrote about the attack she planned later that month.“Soon I will leave this world! You [and] your friends will be just fine. Does it even matter if I am alive?” Hale later added the octagonal symbol, and above it wrote, “No regrets by the gun!!!”

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (4)

Attorney General of Minnesota celebrating Brazil banning X 👇🏻 https://t.co/tPhdHiu3Vw pic.twitter.com/MN7LZFhJrE

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 3, 2024

Thank you Brazil

This is what she actually believes.

Free speech is the bedrock of democracy and the Democratic Party (Kamala is just a puppet) wants to destroy it. https://t.co/kntGcq2WnK

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 3, 2024

BRAZILIAN CONFUSION: Hefty Fines for Accessing Social Media Platform X via VPN Were NOT Rescinded – What Changed Was that VPNs Are Not Outright Banned In the Country Anymore

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

The real question is why did JOTA publish it and then stealth edit it out with no retraction?!

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 2, 2024

People think Brazil-style censorship couldn't happen here, but it could. Indeed, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Barack Obama have all called for heavy-handed government censorship like that of Brazil and Europe, complete with banning disfavored individuals across platforms. pic.twitter.com/AImluaHjMi

— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) September 2, 2024

Venezuela is arresting the opposition party leader for claiming he won the election. This exactly what they tried to do to Trump and Bolsonaro. https://t.co/s7yYDC7UEe

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 3, 2024

Unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of 𝕏 and SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too.

Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial. https://t.co/ghZc11B4Hl

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 2, 2024

Trump Sanctions Allow US to Seize Venezuela Dictator Maduro’s Presidential Plane, Transport It to Florida
  • The Department of Homeland Security saysthe plane was seized “based on violations of U.S. export control and sanctions laws.”

“This morning, the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies,” Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said in a statement. “The Department will continue to pursue those who violate our sanctions and export controls to prevent them from using American resources to undermine the national security of the United States.”

The seizure takes place under the umbrella of Trump’s strong sanctions made against the dictator in 2019.

it was seized in violation of sanctions laws and export controls, specifically, a violation of US executive order 13884, signed by President Trump in 2019.

Theexecutive orderplaced a block on all property and property interests of Venezuela under U.S. jurisdiction.

EO 13884 imposes comprehensive blocking measures on the Government of Venezuela that block all property of the Government of Venezuela that is either in the United States or within the possession of any U.S. person worldwide. U.S. persons include any U.S. citizen, any person with U.S. permanent resident alien “Green Card” status (regardless of where they are located) any entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches) or any person in the United States.

Source: redstate.com

  • A former aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been charged with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said.
  • Prosecutors said Linda Sun, 41, was arrested on Tuesday and is expected to be presented in court later in the day. Sun’s husband Chris Hu also faces criminal charges.
  • While working in state government, Sun allegedly blocked representatives of the Taiwanese government from meeting with officials, and allegedly sought to arrange for a high-level New York state official to visit China.
  • In exchange, prosecutors said Chinese government representatives facilitated millions of dollars in transactions for Hu, who had business activities in China.

Source: reuters.com

Unfortunately, this is unlikely to be an isolated incident. The CCP is attempting to target, influence, and infiltrate every sector and community in the United States. This is why we launched an investigation into China’s political warfare campaign earlier this year. https://t.co/FVlSJl6bwR

— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) September 3, 2024


Hamas EXECUTES six civilian hostages whose only "crime" was being within Hamas' grasp on 10/7/23.

Hamas today admits the captors had instructions to kill the hostages if the IDF attempted a rescue.

The Biden Administration has been working on a "deal" since December — 10…

— Shipwreckedcrew (@shipwreckedcrew) September 3, 2024

  • months. f*ckless pathetic weasels in the White House and State Dept. Repeatedly in the past 4 months Israel has agreed to terms negotiated by US only to have Hamas say no. Hamas has no value for life. The lives of the hostages are meaningless. The lives of Palestinians are meaningless — they place military targets in hospitals and schools. Yet today there are Hamas sympathizers marching in the streets of US cities.
  • Joe “Senile” Biden says Netanyahu isn’t doing enough. JOE — HAMAS SHOT AN AMERICAN CIVILIAN IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD AFTER KEEPING HIM HOSTAGE FOR 300+ DAYS. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE JOE? The Democrat party is disgusting. They offer up a senile old man who was an imbecile when he was competent. The throw him off their ticket because he’s a senile imbecile now, but leave him in office. The Democrat party hates the United States. Fact.
  • HONOR. Could not have been a nicer moment-And there were no fights or problems, only in the heads of those that are destroying our Country! MAGA2024

If there was an incident the [DS] would have filmed it. Plus there were cameras with Trump and the gold star families

False Flags

Disgraced Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Set to Testify Publicly Before Congress for the FIRST TIME on COVID-19 Nursing Home Scandal that Killed Tens of Thousands of Seniors

  • Andrew Cuomo is set to testify publicly before Congress for the first time regarding his controversial handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes, which killed thousands of vulnerable seniors.
  • The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has requested Cuomo’s testimony in a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the Rayburn House Office Building.


Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will testify publicly before Congress for the FIRST TIME regarding his COVID-19 nursing home policies at a @COVIDSelect hearing on September 10, 2024. pic.twitter.com/oRVMvBgukN

— Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (@COVIDSelect) September 3, 2024

  • A 2020 study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes. Only 0.6% of the US populationlives in nursing homes,but over 45% of the coronavirus deaths were in these centers.

[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (5)

[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (6)

Source: thegatewaypundit.com




[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (7)

How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was ‘safe’ to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?
“Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older.”
Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else’s death while committing a dangerous act.
Who benefits the most?
Why only [D] governors?
How do you reasonably explain what occurred?


WATCH: Kamala in Detroit vs Kamala in Pittsburgh: Kamala Harris’s Bizarre Urban Accent Disappears as She Delivers SAME LINE to Pittsburgh Voters!

My God. Kamala Harris literally changes her accent based on the crowd she speaks to.
Is there anything real about this person? @_johnnymaga pic.twitter.com/Y4rQFJoC1G

— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) September 2, 2024


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

BREAKING: The Philadelphia Eagles just issued a statement rebuking the "counterfeit" Kamala Harris ads that have been put up in the city using their name. They're actively getting them REMOVED as we speak

They say the city of Philly somehow worked with someone to put them up. We… pic.twitter.com/KVSBxyABTX

— George (@BehizyTweets) September 2, 2024

have to find out who that person or organization is because they’re guilty of election interference “The bus shelters are owned by the city. So far, we have not heard anything about ads like this appearing on SEPTA property… we’re working with our advertising partner to have them removed.” – Eagles Insider


Wow. It’s looking like the Director of Team Relationships for the @Eagles isn’t happy that the team he works for is saying the pro Kamala ads that went up with the Eagles logo are “counterfeit”.

It appears that the Eagles may be doing rapid response to cover up the… https://t.co/UP9plgTrhH pic.twitter.com/ytgMs3YEBF

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 3, 2024

the fact that someone in their marketing team went rogue. Here’s a screenshot I just took from Christian Molnar’s X account @mole72

. He was promoting Kamala Harris’s interview with CNN the other night… Then days later the pro Kamala ads popped up all over Philly. Molnar’s bio says he’s been doing sports sales and marketing with the Philadelphia Eagles for 25 years…. Are the Eagles lying about these ads being “counterfeit”? If they are counterfeit, why is someone who works with them calling the removal of the ads “vandalism”? It would only be vandalism if it was the actual property of @Eagle… Looks like @NFL@Eagle are about to have a cover up scandal

Kamala Harris Caves: ABC News Debate Rules Set with No Notes, No Open Mics
  • Vice President Kamala Harris’sattempt last week to suddenly change the ABC News debate rules miserably failed.
  • The Harris campaign caved on Tuesday and decided to go along with its previously agreed debate rules withno notes, no sitting, no audience, and no open mics,a senior Trump campaign aide told Breitbart News.
  • ABC News will virtually hold a coin toss to determine the order of closing arguments and podium positioning at 12:30 pm, the aide added.

Source: breitbart.com

New York prosecutors urge judge to reject Trump delay tactics in hush money case

  • The Manhattan district attorney’s office is urging Judge Juan Merchan not to delay proceedings because of Trump’s 11th-hour bid to move the case to federal court.
  • Prosecutors in New York are urging the judge presiding over Donald Trump’shush money casenot to allow his last-ditch effort to move the case to federal court to delay proceedings in the historic state criminal case.
  • “Federal law is clear that proceedings in this Court need not be stayed pending the district court’s resolution of defendant’s removal notice,” the DA’s letter said. It also added that “the concerns defendant expresses about timing are a function of his own strategic and dilatory litigation tactics: Source: nbcnews.com

RNC: Pennsylvania Dems Recruited Out-Of-State Poll Watchers In Defiance Of Election Law https://t.co/O8Ng2xHM6Y

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 3, 2024

  • Democrat recruiting indicates out-of-state volunteers will be outside polling places across battleground Pennsylvania, likely pressuring voters to pick Kamala Harris.
  • .
  • The RNC noticed the Pennsylvania Democrats’ website had a recruitment ad seeking volunteers to join its “Voter Protection Team” to watch the vote. A screenshot saved by the RNC shows the website said, “Election Day poll observers must be physically present in Pennsylvania for their shift but do not necessarily have to be Pennsylvania voters.”
[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (8)

That is misinformation.

Pennsylvanialawsays a poll watcher “must be a qualified registered elector of the county in which the election district for which the watcher was appointed is located.” In other words, poll watchers must live in the county where they serve.

Source: thefederalist.com



If you witness members of ANTIFA or any other people or organizations stationed at ‘key’ voter locations making threats or attempting to use scare tactics [voter intimidation] please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).
Internal comms suggest preparations are being made and organized to conduct a 29+ location push [battleground locations].
See Something
Say Something
Uniformed and Non-Uniformed personnel will be stationed across the country in an effort to safeguard the public.
If you witness anything out of the ordinary with regards to staff, officials, machinery & equipment failures and/or malfunctions, unusual ‘grouping’ [buses dropping off people w/ guide and/or instructor], voter prevention [blocking], or other suspicious activity please contact local authorities immediately and report the incident(s).
See Something
Say Something
[take a picture and/or video only when safe to do so]

• Retarded billionaire Mark Cuban holds a mock election on X
• Loses by a wide margin
• Calls for anonymous accounts to be deleted, proving the importance of Voter ID in real elections.

Simply incredible. pic.twitter.com/ueOssvCGVe

— George Alexopoulos (@GPrime85) September 2, 2024

Tea Leaves: Last time @SpeakerJohnson made a big promise on must-pass funding legislation (close the border) he broke it.

When Dem's vote against this he will cave again. Because the @GOP is NOT an opposition party. Or all these invaders wouldn't be here to begin with.

"Yes,… https://t.co/jHnqxWPNSZ

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 2, 2024

  • It’s an ‘Invasion,’ 64% of Voters Say of Border Crisis” –

"The SAVE Act is also a huge problem for Democrats. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has refused to take it up, and Democrats dismiss it as a “scare tactic.” It is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections and there’s no evidence that it’s a problem." -… https://t.co/FDm4NM0gcp

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2024

Good Morning !
"How concerned are you that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating?"
Very or Somewhat Concerned-
DEM: 55%
IND: 58%
GOP: 83%
All Voters: 66%
Any questions?

Election Integrity Concerns Remain High – https://t.co/1yWtsXetxj https://t.co/LGgskN73yN pic.twitter.com/axkmwDBGMB

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) September 3, 2024

TfL cyberattack could’ve brought London ‘to a standstill’

  • Transport for London(TfL), the organisation responsible for the capital’s vast public transport network, is grappling with an ongoing “cybersecurity incident” that has disrupted operations at its corporate headquarters.
  • News of the incident broke yesterday evening, with TfL issuing astatementconfirming the situation: “We are currently dealing with an ongoing cybersecurity incident. The security of our systems and customer data is very important to us, and we have taken immediate action to prevent any further access to our systems.”
  • While the exact nature of the incident remains undisclosed, experts like Andrew Brown, Software Security Expert atPropel Tech, believe this incident serves as a stark warning: “The TfL cybersecurity incident (they are currently sharing very little information about it—and rightly so) should be viewed as a sizeable near miss in the realm of cybersecurity.”

Source: telecomstechnews.com

Kash Patel Warns of Potential Blackout or Attack on Power Infrastructure ‘During this Election Cycle’

  • In a chilling warning, Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official, raised alarms about the vulnerability of the United States’ power infrastructure during an interview withformer Navy SEAL/CIA Contractor Shawn Ryan.
  • Kash Patel:“Big. It’s big because once they hit it, we can’t fix it fast. Look, we just saw Paris during the Olympics get blacked out. It wasn’t a coincidence after the opening ceremonies. And again, I think President Trump has talked about this.
  • You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these systems to safeguard us from what I view as one of the easier threats our adversaries can deploy against America. These are also harder to trace. So that’s the other thing.
  • The sourcing would be much harder on that than, say, a kinetic operation like a 9/11-style attack.”
  • Patel’s concerns extend beyond the physical infrastructure, touching on the bureaucratic red tape and lack of prioritization that has left the nation exposed. He criticized the current administration for neglecting these issues and warned that adversaries such as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea could exploit these weaknesses.

Shawn Ryan:“I mean, is there any contingency plan at the top if that were to happen?”

Kash Patel:“So there’s this thing called COG capabilities, like continuity of government, and everyone has heard about locations around America that I can’t really talk about.

But there’s a continuity plan for the government to keep going and for enough personnel to be around to make sure we can do all those things and supposedly defend the nation and keep the commander-in-chief and his cabinet secure.

But there’s no contingency plan to say, if you wipe out the electricity west of the Mississippi, how are we going to turn it back on? It doesn’t exist.”

  • The potential for such an attack, according to Patel, is not just a hypothetical scenario but a looming reality. He suggested that America’s adversaries are biding their time, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike—possibly before, during, or just after the election.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Kash Patel suggests that a blackout/attack on our power infrastructure will happen before the election.👀🧵

"Look we just saw Paris during the Olympics just got blacked out and a coincidence…after the opening ceremonies. You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these… pic.twitter.com/QYfT2XtEwV

— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) September 3, 2024


AnonymousID: WBXFv1gINo.147683156

Fellow Patriots,
I’m being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.
We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.
Watch the news outlets.
POTUS’ Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).
Should the lights go out please know we are in control.
Do not panic.
We are prepared and assets are in place.
God bless – I must go for good at this point.


Jul 17, 2020 5:47:13 PM EDT

Q!!Hs1Jq13jV6ID: f4dc5fNo. 9991332

C19 narrative kill date:

Election Day +1 Prepare for zero-day [massive CYBER-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


[DS] Last Attempt, Cyber Attack, If The Lights Go Out, The Patriots Are In Control – Ep. 3441 (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.